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CBD Analysis

CBD Analysis

A current example of a product with a difficult issue is hemp products.From niche product to superfood, cannabis has had a steep career. Products with or from hemp are therefore increasingly available on supermarket shelves. However, the use of hemp products or specific ingredients such as cannabidioles (CBD) can lead to questions regarding marketability. In this context, it is necessary to consider the Novel Food and Health Claims Regulation as well as the risk assessments of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). In addition to know-how in evaluation, however, special analytics are also required: This includes, for example, the determination of the active ingredients THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid from the hemp plant next to THC as a known psychoactive substance. CBD is said to have positive properties: Relief from pain, depression or insomnia.

CBD is therefore mainly used in food supplements and flavor oils, but also in hemp seeds, hemp oil and hemp tea.

CBD analyses

GBA Group has adapted to the analytics of the different matrices and offers very sensitive cannabinoid analyses. These include:

  • THC
  • THC-A
  • CBD
  • CBD-A
  • CBN
  • CBG

Of course, all analyses offered are accredited and adapted to the corresponding matrix.

GBA offers a team of experts who are always on par with the ever-changing requirements of different industries and products. Based on their many years of experience, our customers are supported in all questions regarding the analysis plan, sampling and analytics up to detailed legal assessment and consulting.

Feel free to contact us with the quotation and callback service.


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THC- and CBD-analysis in Food

THC- and CBD-analysis in Food


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