Preclinical Services
Your partner for preclinical drug discovery and developtment
The GBA Group, Germany´s market-leading early stage CRO, plans, organizes and realizes customized preclinical studies for more than 20 years. Our assays meet national and international regulatory demands while using our unique consultative approach to serve our satisfied customers who rely on our expertise, experience and passion for science.

Your direct contact
Dr. Daniel Da Costa
BD Director Preclinical Services Europe

Hit-to-Lead and Lead Optimization
The GBA Group portfolio for preclinical services covers the complete drug discovery and development testing program for small molecules and peptides in vitro, in vivo, ex vivo as well as G(C)LP and non-GLP bioanalysis. Structural, physicochemical and functional characterization of Biopharmaceuticals (e.g. Antibodies, ADCs, etc.) complements our comprehensive portfolio.
Our Flyers
The experienced and highly committed GBA Group team offers a variety of different services the following in Areas:
GBA Group Pharma Sites
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Mehr erfahrenPharmacelsus - Preclinical services
Pharmacelsus GmbH
Science Park 2
66123 Saarbrücken
Fax +49 681 3946 - 7511
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Member of the GBA Group since 2017.