It is our great pleasure to announce that LKF – Laboratorium für Klinische Forschung GmbH - has reorganized the board of directors with the beginning of the new year: Dr. Gerrit Schoenicke, MD and Dr. Volker El-Samalouti have taken over the role as managing directors and, together with Bärbel Wilke, they will be responsible for the ongoing development of the company. Former managing director Uwe Troge will remain responsible as an authorized signatory.
After his PhD in cell biology, Dr. El-Samalouti has started his career at LKF in 1999. As the head of laboratory, he focused on assay validation, the analysis of biomarkers and the scientific consulting of clients. Being a specialist in internal medicine, Dr. Schönicke joined LKF in 2005. Besides the medical consulting of clients, Dr. Schönicke worked as the head of the routine safety laboratory.
With this change, we have taken an important step towards a generational change ensuring a seamless continuation of our trustful relationship with our clients and the professional services LKF is valued for.