Fit for the Future – GBA Group Re-Certification for Safety & Environment
The GBA Group is pleased to announce that the 2022 re-certification audit in the area of safety and environment has been successfully passed, according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and the DIN ISO 45001, for GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH. This time, the company's headquarters in Hamburg and its laboratory sites in Freiberg, Hamburg and Pinneberg, the latter with their new premises, were inspected.
How is the GBA Group developing in terms of sustainability and what was rated particularly positively?
The new premises in Hamburg and Pinneberg have improved ergonomics for our employees and, as a result, improved processes and productivity.
Expansion of occupational health management with the measures implemented, e.g. our Steps Challenge, which led visually through all sites, encouraging employees to take as many steps as possible; as well as the nutrition and non-smoking seminars.
Our detailed input and output table of the list of environmental aspects in the area of purchasing.
The list of our environmental aspects in the area of human resources and fleet management
The expansion of our electric fleet, e.g., also the use of electric cars for sample transportation
Further steps in digitalization, e.g. our digital, central training module as well as our central time recording system
Conclusion: GBA Group thus continuously promotes the safety of its employees and sustainability for the environment.
All information on our goals regarding qualityassurance, health, safety and environmental management can be found on our website: Goals and Guiding Principles