Wood-destroying fungi & dry rot analysis
In case of increased humidity, wood-destroying fungi can easily form, which can massively influence the stability of the wood and thus the statics of relevant building components. In particular, the detection of true dry rot (Serpula lacrymans) is of particular interest, as many building insurers and waste disposal companies have region-specific regulations for remediation and disposal.
Wood structural beams with cube or fiber breakage are fairly certain to show infestation by wood-destroying fungi. GBA Group is happy to offer you the examination of the two groups of brown rot and white rot pathogens as well as the musty rot fungi for you on a morphological basis.
For the analysis we need small amounts of wood, as well as (if available) mycelium strands and fruiting bodies. The time required for our analysis, including a written report, is about one week.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at: moenchengladbach@gba-group.de