Our services for agrochemicals & pesticides

Agro Services
To meet the needs of the market and our customers from the agrochemical industry, GBA Polska offers services in the scope of experimental field tests of plant protection products. Our AGRO Services department specializes in comprehensive field research aimed at assessing the effectiveness and selectivity of plant protection products in agricultural and horticultural crops. We offer field tests, residue tests in collected material and preparation of experimental material for testing residues of plant protection products.

Field tests according to Good Experimental Practice (GEP)
Field tests according to Good Experimental Practice (GEP) involve assessing the effectiveness of plant protection products of the following groups: fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, bactericides, growth regulators and seed dressings. At GBA Polska, we are authorized to conduct field tests of the following crops: spring and winter cereals, corn, oil plants, root crops, fibrous plants, legumes, fruits, vegetables.
Our Certificates
Find our GEP certificate here (Polish language): GBA POLSKA GEP Certificate