GBA Group Environment

Site Stuttgart
GBA Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH
Julius-Hölder-Straße 20
70597 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 722094 - 0
Managing Director: Ralf Murzen, Ole Borchert, Alexander Kleinke, Dr. Dominik Obeloer
Company register: Hamburg HRB 42774
VAT Identification Number DE118554138
Opening hours: Mon.- Fri.: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The delivery of samples is possible outside the opening hours by request!

Accreditation and Authorization
The site is a testing laboratory accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.
The Stuttgart site has access to the overall service portfolio of the GBA Group. Here you will find an overview of all our approvals, accreditation certificates and certifications.
At our new business location in Stuttgart, we provide our comprehensive services in the field of environmental analysis, which include expert consulting, professional sampling, and reception of samples. Our core competencies are sampling and analyzing soil, construction material, and rubble, as well as drinking water, cooling water, and swimming pool water.
Here is an overview of our services:
Customer Service:
- An individual customer service representative accompanies you throughout entire projects, providing you with consulting on the scope of testing required, determining suitable sampling points, and the results.
- Communication with the responsible authorities and health agencies
- Consulting regarding further questions and issues as well as the associated analyses
Planning, scheduling, and executing the sampling of the following matrices:
- Soil, building rubble, and material samples in accordance with PN98
- Cooling water from evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers, and wet scrubbers in accordance with 42 BImSchV / VDI 2047 Sheets 2-4 / VDI 3679 Sheet 1
- Drinking water in home installations (legionella, microbiology, heavy metals) in accordance with the German Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV) and DVGW W 551
- Drinking water in local water networks in accordance with the German Drinking Water Ordinance, DVGW worksheets, DIN standards, and VDI guidelines
- Drinking water from water-bearing devices (drinking water fountains, dental units, water coolers, etc.)
- Water from swimming pools and baths (in accordance with DIN 19643-1 and UBA recommendations)
Drinking water
- Accredited chemical and microbiological analysis in accordance with the German Drinking Water Ordinance (e.g. for legionella, microbiological parameters, heavy metals, etc.)
Swimming Water
Accredited chemical and microbiological analysis of:
- Swimming pool water from public swimming pools or baths (indoor/outdoor, hotel pools, whirlpools, etc.)
- Natural freshwater for swimming (e.g. small ponds, streams, lakes, etc.)
Cooling Water
- Accredited chemical and microbiological analysis (in accordance with 42 BImSchV / VDI 2047 Sheets 2-4) Analysis of Solid Material and
Declaration Analysis
- Soil (according to administrative rules or regulations such as: DepV, LAGA, BBodSchV)
- Rubble (LAGA, Dihlmann)
- Material samples (PAHs, asbestos, PCBs, wood preservation agents, etc.)
- Special analyses (PFCs, PCDD/Fs, pesticides, etc.)
At our GBA Group location in Stuttgart, you can rely on us for fast processing times, accredited testing methods, quality-controlled results, punctuality, and great consulting.

We want to make collaboration as easy as possible.
For environmental and food analysis you can order sample containers, book our sample pick-up service, place orders for analysis, and send inquiries to our project managers.