7.1.2022New maximum levels of opium alkaloids New Regulation (EU) 2021/2142 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels of opium alkaloids in certain foodstuffs.more
14.12.2021Christmas time is nut time - Almonds as a perfect Christmas snack As soon as the Christmas markets are open, they are not far away: Almonds. Especially in the run-up to Christmas, roasted almonds become a favorite snack for Germans. Even without the caramelized coating, the little nuts are true powerhouses. more
7.12.2021Contaminants in Advent calendar chocolateBy now, many of you will have opened a few doors of an Advent calendar. Likewise, every year certain Christmas treats are specifically tested for undesirable contaminants, e.g. mineral oil residues in Advent calendar chocolate.more
30.11.2021Natural sweetness for products - Trend ingredient coconut blossom sugar The food industry is under pressure. The ever-increasing health trend is producing alternatives to industrial sugar. Coconut blossom sugar is a natural, unrefined sugar from the coconut palm, which is more nutritious and less blood sugar-increasing than normal sugar.more
22.11.2021Healthy snacks on the rise – Legumes as trend ingredient for coming yearsHealthy legumes such as chickpeas and lentils have enormous growth opportunities in the near future. Especially in vegetarian and vegan diets, the gluten-free "nutritional boosters" play an important role.more