GBA Group at Mold Conference in Berlin
On March 24, Dr. Oliver Röhl, Department Head of Microbiology at GBA GROUP and M. Sc. Sarah Henze, Team Leader "Expertises for Indoor Hygiene" will participate in the mold conference in Berlin and will also be present with a booth in the atrium of the Mercure Hotel (MOA Berlin).
Both Sarah Henze and Dr. Oliver Röhl are looking forward to meeting you in person and discussing your technical questions (e.g. on sampling or laboratory evaluation). You are not attending the mold conference? No problem, for questions of all kinds, around the topic mold we are also available online or, under the, at the end of the article indicated, mail.
GBA GROUP will be happy to examine mold contamination in indoor air, material and surface samples for you and is also a competent partner in dry rot analysis and the analysis of other wood-destroying fungi. We are also the ideal contact for hygiene requirements according to VDI6022.
For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: moenchengladbach@gba-group.de