GBA Joins the Technical Laboratories of the General Association for Decontamination
As of March 2019, the GBA Group is now an official member in the group of technical laboratories in the General Association for Decontamination (GVSS – Gesamtverbandes Schadstoffsanierung e. V.). The GBA Group was welcomed positively by the members of the association. The GVSS provides its members with a platform of experts that share the latest information on technical and legal topics, identify and deal with technical issues, and offer a diverse array of working groups for the further development of technology for decontamination and measurement. The association serves as the megaphone for this industry the realm of politics and public relations. Therefore, we are greatly looking forward to participating in the work of the association and sharing knowledge with a wide range of specialists in the field of decontamination.
Further information about the GVSS can be found at: gesamtverband-schadstoff.de