31st Karlsruhe Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar
Digitization of landfill operations? Closure and recultivation of landfills.
This is the topic of the 31st Karlsruhe Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar 2021, which will take place as a hybrid event on the 20th and 21st of October. The event will provide information about current topics from the landfill scene and provide an overview of new developments and trends.
This year, the focus will be on innovations in waste legislation in Europe as well as the amendment of the Landfill Ordinance and the new KrWG Implementation Act in Germany. International topics such as the disposal of construction waste containing asbestos and climate protection measures at landfills are also covered in several technical presentations.
Franz Bogler will represent GBA Group at the seminar and provide information on environmental analysis and sampling. With over 30 years of experience in the field of declaration analysis, and using state-of-the-art, accredited methods, we analyze all of the established analytical parameters that are legally required for a wide variety of types of waste. Due to the regional presence of GBA Group, we are always informed about country-specific regulations and are a strong partner for independent sampling and analysis.
Learn how the GBA Group can support you and contact us:
We look forward to working with you! GBA Group – Know what’s inside.
More information regarding the seminar can be found on the following website: https://icp-ing.de/deponieseminar2021/ (German language only)