New maximum residue levels for tropane alkaloids
With Regulation (EU) 2021/1408 amending Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in food, new maximum levels for tropane alkaloids (atropine and scopolamine) will come into force from September 1st, 2022 in the following products: processed cereal-based foods, unprocessed corn, buckwheat & millet and herbal teas.
Foods (except for the listed grain-based foods) that were lawfully placed on the market before September 1st, 2022, may be sold until their best-before or use-by dates.
Tropane alkaloids belong to the group of secondary plant compounds and are found in field weeds of the nightshade family (e.g. belladonna and common datura). The two compounds atropine and scopolamine can be acutely toxic and affect heart rate and the central nervous system.
Have your food checked with regard to the new maximum levels of atropine and scopolamine. We will be happy to perform the required analysis for tropane alkaloids for you and assist you regarding legal issues.
Click here for more information from the European Commission on the new maximum levels for tropane alkaloids: EU Commission Regulation regarding tropane alkaloids
For further information, please feel free to contact us:
Email: service@gba-group.de