Know what’s inside:


LKF - Consulting


Preparation of a clinical trial is always critical. We offer a broad spectrum of services covering all aspects of the laboratory part of clinical trials – from planning to completion. Our team has considerable experience and expertise in a variety of clinical indications, their diagnosis and therapy. You have access to medical doctors, scientists, technicans and other experts for consultation.

LKF - Therapeutic Areas

Therapeutic Areas

Over the last 20 years we conducted clinical trials in a broad spectrum of therapeutic areas. Our wide experience covers topics like diabetes, neurology, oncology, dermatology, cardiovascular diseases, womens health (contraceptive, acyesis, delight), mens health (aging men, erectyle disfunction) and vaccine studies.

GBA Group - Project Management

Project Management

The GBA Group provides various customized services for setting up clinical trials:

  • Dedicated Study Manager and Substitute Assigned to Each Study
  • Trial-Specific Project and Data Management Plan
  • Laboratory Manual written in any major European Language with Detailed Instructions for Specimen Collection, Processing and Shipment
  • Laminated Collection Charts
  • Visit-Specific and Color Coded Kits for Specimen Collection
  • Pre-Printed Trial-Specific Requisition Forms, ID-Labels and (air) Waybills
  • On-Site Training for Investigators, CRAs and Study Nurses
  • Presentations on Investigator- and/or Monitor Meetings
  • Electronic Data Transfer in Customized Formats
LKF - Data Management

Data Management

The GBA Group has developed a data management system dedicated to the requirements of a medical laboratory dealing with clinical trials.
Our reliable and flexible software complies with international standards (GCP, FDA 21 CFR Part 11) and is tailored to our client’s needs.

The GBA Group’s Data Management System includes the following Key Features:

  • Blinding of Laboratory Data
  • Electronic Archiving of Source Data, e.g. Request Forms, Hardcopies
  • Import of External Laboratory Data
  • Export of Multiple Output Formats (ASCII, XML)
  • Accommodation of Different Data Structures (CDISC, OC, SAS or Client Specific)
  • Incremental or Cumulative Data Transfer
  • Support of eCRF and EDC Systems by Daily Data Transfer
  • Data Encryption
  • Web Based Data Entry for Third Party Laboratories
LKF - Logistics


We have recognized, that your sample is the most valuable object under our responsibility. With more than 30 years of clinical trials experience and with an intense contact to the courier services we assure that everything will be done to guarantee your success.

The experienced and highly committed GBA Group team offers a variety of different services in the following areas:

GBA Group - Solutions


GBA Group - Specimen Management

Specimen Management

GBA Group - Safety Analysis

Safety Analysis

GBA Group - Bioanalytical Services

Bioanalytical Services

GBA Group - Proficiency Testing Certificates

Proficiency Testing Certificates

GBA Group - Reporting


GBA Group - Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance



GBA Group Pharma

GBA Group Pharma

Dr. Volker El-Samaouti- LKF

Your direct contact

Dr. Volker El-Samalouti
Managing Director
+49 4307 8276 – 0

Business Development

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