International Coffee Day 2022
Today is World Coffee Day. Since 2016, the event takes place on 01 October and is celebrated internationally. Already for the 17th time, the "Day of Coffee" is celebrated in Germany. No wonder, because with an annual coffee consumption of about 169 liters, people in Germany drink more coffee than any other beverage.
To meet the high demand, around 1.2 million tons of coffee were imported into Germany in 2021 alone - the largest quantities from Brazil, Vietnam and Honduras. By the time coffee reaches your cup, the bean has already come a long way. On the journey from the growing regions to the final product, the quality of the coffee can quickly suffer - for example, due to contamination or impurities.
Testing the safety and quality of coffee is therefore of paramount importance and at the same time represents a major challenge. GBA Group contributes to the safety and marketability of these goods with a variety of product-specific analyses and competent advice. In this way, we can be sure that every cup of coffee can be enjoyed safely in the future.
Do you have any questions about our food analysis services or are you interested in a consultation on coffee analysis? Please feel free to contact us at:
Email: service@gba-group.de