LKF and Amedon - Ready to Launch
After the kick-off of the collaboration between Amedon, which is specialized in developing and delivering web-based solutions for clinical research, and LKF, the central laboratory for phase I - IV of clinical trials in northern Germany, the first results are visible.
Together Amedon and LKF have analyzed the relevant IT processes and data flows in the eCRF and developed solutions to make processes more secure, faster and more effective.
Maximilian Graf von Luckner (Head of LKF Data Management):
"The collaboration with Amedon is highly professional and very effective. The processes around laboratory data management have been digitalized and optimized faster than planned."
Nikolaus Peterknecht (Managing Director Amedon):
"The progress is tremendous and so we can already realize the first study-specific solution!"
We know every project is unique and every project has specific requirements. Together with the customer we find the best solution.
During the elaboration we came across further potentials, which we also want to work out, and offer as IT solutions to our customers.
Our tailored IT solution and central laboratory services help you to optimize processes and ensure the validity and integrity of all laboratory data and processes.