The GBA GROUP has good news to report on the subject of job search, somewhat defusing the article in the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper of 13.11.2020, which presented the corona-damaged training record of the Hamburg Employment Agency under the title "Dramatic development of training places in Hamburg". Full article: https://www.abendblatt.de/wirtschaft/article230895834/Hamburg-Ausbildungsplaetze-Corona-Handelskammer-Arbeitsagentur.html
GBA Group, the competent partner for analytical questions and services in the food, environmental and pharmaceutical sectors, is still looking for apprentices for 2021. And that both in Hamburg and in Pinneberg. At each of these locations, 2 positions will be given to chemical laboratory assistants.
Have we caught your interest? You will find further information under: https://karriere.gba-group.de/jobposting/0e763d0ace5b9eaef98f6569b327605594c657b90?ref=homepage