Corrosion and Irritation

Classification of Chemicals without any Testing in Animals
To warn users of the risks of chemicals, the United Nations introduced a generally recognised system for classification and labelling of chemicals. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) has besides regulating the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, also led to a worldwide standardisation of hazard symbols.
Alternative test methods that don’t use animals, have in recent years, and in particular within the area of GHS, continuously grown in importance. Toxicological studies that are used for the classification and labelling of chemicals are mostly based on In-Vitro methods, when the focus is on the effects on skin and eyes as the first point of contact of the chemicals. We offer a multitude of In-Vitro tests to investigate the potential for causing irritation, by a test substance or an extract of a test article. In performing such tests, we use e.g. human skin models.
We’re are regularly introducing new test systems to offer an ever-larger portfolio and thus allow for more flexible testing strategies. The available set of optional test methods are directly depending on the physico-chemical properties of the test substance, but also on the particular regulatory requirements for the use of the substance.
We’re more than happy to support you to find the most appropriate testing strategy for your product.
Tissue - Skin
- Skin Irritation: Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test method
- OECD 439 / ISO 10993-23
- In-Vitro Skin Corrosion (Reconstructed Human Epidermis Test method)
- OECD 431
- Corrositex (In-Vitro Membrane Barrier Test method for Skin Corrosion)
- OECD 435
Tissue - Eye
- Eye Irritation: Reconstructed human Cornea-like Epithelium Test method
- OECD 492 / OECD 492B
- Bovine Cornea Opacity and Permeability Test (BCOP)
- OECD 437
- Short Time Exposure In-Vitro Test Method for Identifying Eye Damage (STE)
- OECD 491
- Hen’s Egg Test – Chorioallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM)
- INVITTOX Protocol No. 47
Tissue - Mucous Membrane
- EpiOral / EpiGingival Test
- EpiVaginal Test